
Informations légales

Mentions légales

Publisher :
Camping Municipal du Cap de l’Homy
600, Avenue de l’Océan
Tel : 00 33 (0)5 58 42 83 47
e-mail : [email protected]
Site :

Publication director & editorial manager:
Mayor of the Municipality of Lit-et-Mixe
Design, production and host management
Thelis séquoiasoft

Website terms of use.

Simply accessing the website constitutes unconditional acceptance by the visitor of these conditions of use, governed by French law.

The Camping Municipal (municipal campsite) of the municipality of Lit-et-Mixe and its technical provider Thélis Séquoiasoft undertake to do their best to ensure the accuracy, updating and technical accounts of the data published on this website. The Camping Municipal of the municipality of Lit-et-Mixe reserves the right to amend, delete or add information, content, or design, without former notice, and in line with constraints specific to it. However, the Camping Municipal of the municipality of Lit-et-Mixe cannot guarantee the accuracy and exhaustiveness of the information published on this website. Consequently, the Camping Municipal of the municipality of Lit-et-Mixe and its technical provider Thélis Séquoiasoft shall not accept any liability relating to inaccuracies and omissions, direct or indirect damages, irrespective of the origins, causes and consequences, resulting from the direct or indirect consultation of the data contained on this website. Furthermore, any voluntary intrusion by the visitor in public or private areas of the site with a view to hacking, degrading, industrial or commercial espionage, or amendment to data shall systematically give rise to legal proceedings, copyright levies and the reimbursement by the offender of all costs incurred.

The Camping Municipal of the municipality of Lit-et-Mixe hereby informs its visitors that these conditions may be amended at any time, with publication online.

Personal data.

The supply of personal data by the visitor is optional and, in accordance with the Loi Informatique et Liberté (Data Processing and Civil Liberties Act) No 78-17 of 6 January 1978, the visitor has the right to access and amend this information by directly contacting the publisher of this site. However, the Camping Municipal (municipal campsite) of the municipality of Lit-et-Mixe and its technical provider Thélis Séquoiasoft accept no liability, regardless of the origins, causes and consequences, relating to the risks arising from the online transmission of personal data.


The photographs presented on this website are non-contractual.
© Camping-Municipal du Cap de l’Homy


Pursuant to Article L111 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code and the Copyright Code, any use, even partial, of the visual content or programming of this website, must be subject to the prior written agreement of the respective authors. Any illegal use of the content will systematically give rise to legal proceedings and to the payment of copyright, as well as to reimbursement by the offender of all costs incurred.